Onboarding programme

Job-hopping is on the rise. This global trend has been observed for years and is especially common among young people. Replacing a leaving employee can cost an organization 50 to 150% of the employee’s yearly salar. So for you as an employer this is obviously an unfavorable situation. Luckily, you are not left to the mercy of fate. There is something you can actively do: make sure that you have a solid onboarding programme. It will help new employees quickly find their way and thus feel at home in your organization.

On this page, we will explain what an onboarding programme is. You will also learn how Simenco can help you implement such a programme to help your new employees onboard in the most efficient way possible.

The purpose of an onboarding programme

Onboarding is the process of giving new employees information about their new organization, team and role. It aims to help new employees feel like they are part of the company. And that, in turn, ensures that they can make a better contribution. The onboarding process starts when someone is hired and ends when they are completely onboarded.

When you hire someone new, you naturally want to help them onboard as quickly and efficiently as possible. That saves you time and money. By putting real thought into the onboarding process, you make sure a new hire performs sooner and better. But what does such a process look like? Well, like an onboarding programme.

An onboarding programme offers new staff a stable basis. They play a game about the everyday reality of the organization in a business simulation. In it they learn everything they need to know about the company, in a safe and inspiring way. Consequently, new employees will find their way in the organization in no time. And they also acquire essential knowledge and skills they need to perform their jobs correctly. We have found that our programme shortens the average onboarding time with a good 20%. It therefore contributes to a lower turnover and cost savings.

Added value for participants:

  • A fun and challenging way to get to know the new employer.
  • Getting to know the ins and outs of the organization in no time.

Added value for the business:

  • New employees quickly make a better contribution.
  • Lower turnover and cost savings.

Practical example onboarding programme NUON

Simenco developed an onboarding programme for Dutch energy supplier NUON (now Vattenfall): the NUON Introduction Game. By playing, participants get to know the company’s strategy and vision and the tasks of the different divisions.

The game is the core of the introduction day for new employees. The game consists of four cases that each last one hour and deal with the four most important divisions. The newcomers compete in groups and have to make decisions. A simulation tool then shows the consequences of those decisions. Together with feedback from an experienced employee, the players work on previously established learning goals. Moreover, the competitive, active and social format ensures enthusiastic and motivated staff members.

Check our this article for more information about the NUON Introduction Game.

An onboarding programme with Simenco

Would you like to experience the advantages of an efficient onboarding programme for new employees? We are happy to help you with our innovative simulations for educational applications. Besides the onboarding programme, we offer various educational games and serious games that can be customized for application in your organization.

If you have questions or would like our advice, please contact us. We are happy to help you.